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European Business Leaders launch Campaign to promote Corporate Social Responsibility

European Business Leaders launch Campaign to promote Corporate Social Responsibility

Published 01-25-02

Submitted by CSREurope

CSR at national and European level The European Business Campaign on Corporate Social Responsibility is now taking off at national level in the form of the European CSR Marathon. The Campaign Marathon will link conferences in 12 major European cities before culminating in the European CSR Olympics 2004.

The Campaign responds to the growing momentum amongst European governments, business leaders and stakeholders on the topic of CSR. In particular, the Campaign aims to establish the role of business in helping Europe achieve the Strategic Goal outlined at the Lisbon Summit in March 2000. The goal of the Campaign is to mobilise 500 000 business people and partners on the topic of CSR by 2005.

Challenging Europe The Campaign will:

-Popularise the business case for CSR and celebrate what can be achieved by the new way of doing business
-Build the capacity of current and future business leaders and stakeholders to mainstream CSR in their core business practices
-Energise the dialogue and partnership between business and stakeholders (social partners; investors; local, national and European institutions; Media; NGOs; academics and International Organisations)
Campaign Highlights
-European CSR Marathon of 12 linked conferences over 4 years, connected by a travelling CSR Torch and leading up to a European CSR Olympics in 2004
-Stakeholder exchange: Annual Excellence Reports to update the business response to Europe's call for CSR, and an online SRI Compass to bring investors the latest information on all existing green and ethical funds and indices in Europe
-30 000 user packs containing a CSR Toolkit (online and in CD ROM format) designed with and for small, medium and large companies to broaden their knowledge and access useful tools on CSR
-European Academy on CSR to train today's and tomorrow's managers on CSR
-A CSR Menu providing a useful range of communication tools (from employee involvement, to training, support and workshops on CSR)

A Five-year Boost

2001: Campaign take-off at national level through national conferences, starting in Athens on November 30, 2001

November 2001: Launch of SRI Compass on the occasion of the first European Presidency Conference on CSR organised by the Belgian Government

December 2001: Campaign Portal is launched

May 2002: European Academy on CSR is launched

September 2002: first release of the CSR Toolkit on CD ROM

March 2002: first Annual Excellence Report is published

2003: Mid-term review of the Campaign

2004: Special European Year on CSR culminating in a European Olympics on CSR

2005: A Business agenda on CSR towards 2010


-CSR Europe -
-The Copenhagen Centre -
-The International Business Leaders Forum -

15 National Partner Organisations in more than a dozen European countries, reaching over 5000 companies in Europe. With the support of the European Commission-Employment and Social Affairs Directorate General.

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CSR Europe is the leading European business network for corporate social responsibility with around 70 multinational corporations and 36 national partner organisations as members. The organisation was founded in 1995 by senior European business leaders in response to an appeal by the European Commission President Jacques Delors. It has since grown to become an inspiring network of business people working at the very forefront of CSR across Europe and globally.

The Largest CSR Network in Europe

CSR Europe’s network of national partner organisations brings together 36 membership-based, business-led CSR organisations from around 30 European countries. In total, the network reaches out to over 5000 companies throughout Europe.

Our Enterprise 2020 strategy

In October 2010, CSR Europe launched a joint Enterprise 2020 initiative to address societal challenges through collaborative action and shape the business contribution to the European Union’s Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Since its launch, Enterprise 2020 has become the reference initiative for the ideal company of the future and forms the umbrella for all CSR Europe activities.

To find out more about Enterprise 2020, click here.

For more information about our activities and services, please download the CSR Europe overview and service offer or contact us.

To find out more about how to become a member of CSR Europe, click here.

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