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Dal LaMagna Launches Ad Campaign to End the Violence in Iraq

Dal LaMagna Launches Ad Campaign to End the Violence in Iraq

Published 07-24-07

Submitted by LaMagna for President

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July 24, 2007- Dal officially entered the 2008 Presidential race and simultaneously launched his ad campaign in Concord, NH on Wednesday, July 18.

Journalists, photographers, supporters, and the curious all turned out, with the announcement being aired on WMUR in New Hampshire that evening and the press carrying printed reports the following day. C-Span was there and said their film would be aired next Sunday evening. It was a long productive day, and Dal met with many Granite Staters.

The highlight of the announcement was the first public showing of the ad campaign, featuring an Iraqi woman asking Americans to leave her country, saying her country and its people could take care of themselves.  Onlookers gasped as they viewed bombed-out buildings and listened to the strong Iraqi voice; applause at its conclusion was deafening.

LaMagna for President headquarters has started an online campaign to raise funds to air the ad nationally.  Ads directing people to the video will begin being shown on the top political blogs this Sunday, July 22. 

We are well on our way.  As always, we hope that you will join us - as a volunteer, contributor, or in whatever capacity you are able.  Working together, we can help solve this mess and begin to restore our American Republic.

You can also hear Dal speak about his travels to Iraq this weekend on
NPR's "This American Life," episode #337. You can check NPR listings for a time near
you or you can wait until Monday and download it for free from iTunes.

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LaMagna for President

LaMagna for President

Dal LaMagna (D) believes we must end the violence in Iraq before we can begin to solve problems at home. He is running for President of the United States, making it his goal to find solutions to end the violence and for creating a competent and transparent executive branch of federal government. He recently returned from the Middle East, where he met with members of Iraq's Parliament, tribal chiefs, sheiks, and other Iraqi citizens. He is bringing their voice and their ideas to Americans to help us better understand that the world won't end, Iraq won't collapse, there won't be a civil war if we leave.

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