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Worldwide Evidence Foods From Saltwater Agriculture are Better for Humans and Climate

Worldwide Evidence Foods From Saltwater Agriculture are Better for Humans and Climate

Published 04-27-18

Submitted by Ethical Markets Media

2018 Green Transition Scoreboard Full Report

Ethical Markets released today its 2018 Green Transition Scoreboard® finding $9.3 trillion of private investments in green sectors worldwide, cumulatively since 2007. This 2018 report: "CAPTURING CO2 WHILE IMPROVING HUMAN NUTRITION & HEALTH" also focuses on how productive capture of CO2 is making useful products and how expanding production of food in saltwater agriculture can achieve both better human nutrition and reduce climate risk.

The report’s lead author, science policy veteran Hazel Henderson, CEO of Ethical Markets says ”We found over-investment in the planet’s 3% freshwater, overlooking the other 97% saltwater and the many varieties of salt-loving (halophyte) plants that already provide human food, grown on the 40% of degraded and desert lands, e.g. the highly-nutritious grain: quinoa, available in many supermarkets.” 

The report‘s co-author, Tim Nash, Founder of Good Investing, assembles the research on the private investments in green sectors the Scoreboard tracks in Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Life Systems, Green Construction and Corporate Green R&D. Tim adds, “Green sectors are continuing to grow rapidly, outperforming most traditional sectors. At this rate, we will surpass $10 trillion of private investments in the global green economy this year”. 

Many investors, start-ups and new opportunities are found in all green sectors, as well as in these new approaches: the rapidly-growing plant protein markets serving the widespread growth of vegetarianism, as well as in new uses for carbon and CO2, citing hundreds of statistics and references. 

The report shows that these trends in better nutrition and increased carbon capture and re-use are also good news for the planet. "Pinpointing these investments and opportunities for desert-greening and using CO2 to make plastics, cement and other useful products only requires a new perspective...beyond existing cognitive biases including herd behavior in markets and theory-induced blindness! "says Henderson". 

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Founded in 2004 with a mission to reform markets and metrics while helping accelerate the global transition from fossil-fueled early industrialism to cleaner, healthier, inclusive knowledge-richer green societies everywhere. Its "Ethical Markets" TV series is distributed globally to colleges and libraries by or free at This global, network of networks connects ethical investors, asset managers, green entrepreneurs, NGO leaders and academics. It sponsors the asset EthicMark® Awards for Advertising that uplifts the Human Spirit and Society, with nominations for its 2018 Awards now open at, where past winning campaigns can also be viewed. A full list of information services at

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* Reforming finance and growing the green economy worldwide* Ethical Markets provides news and perspective on Climate Prosperity, Reforming Global Finance, SRI and more by gathering information from around the world with analysis by our editor-in-chief, Hazel Henderson.

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