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The Carbon List: Who? What? When? Why?

The Carbon List: Who? What? When? Why?

Published 02-21-11

Submitted by The Carbon List

The Carbon List is now live, founded in late 2009 on the idea of delivering a simple easy to follow framework to help people understand a companies carbon foot print. The Carbon List aims to help in these areas as follows:

  • Listing world organisations and simplifying their complex data by making graphical comparisons of their global carbon footprint.

  • Incorporating government standards into an understandable framework.

  • Improving brand awareness through green credentials.

  • Using The Carbon List will enable a more meaningful understanding of the green values relating to carbon emissions and their ultimate impact on climate change.

  • Clearer presentation of information will create an awareness of the impact that companies are having on our global climate.

  • Create an appreciation of the changes that companies are making to their daily operational procedures in an effort to reduce their Co2 emissions.


We've evolved to be the leaders of our biological community, we are misleading, we are causing devastation to the very foundation of our planet. This comes down to three factors education, culture and our economic situation, our culture is built on the assumption that we are the superior life form on earth, that we are separate from all other life forms. We are at one with nature, our eco system is the very foundation which keeps us alive the problem is we have become far removed from this living in towns and cities.

Over many years nature has been converted to a resource and that resource was seen as essentially, eternally abundant. This has led to the idea and the conception behind progress which is, limitless growth and limitless expansion. The Carbon List will not save the world but it will help create a community of awareness an avenue for change, to change the way we live and work.

It is very simple, The Carbon list is a website like no other, helping people to understand the initiatives that companies are doing to reduce there carbon footprint. We do this is a unique way looking at key measurements from companies and presenting this in a format that everyone can understand. This information is out there but hidden in company reports which will never see the light of day, we want to invite a new generation of people that would welcome simplification of carbon data. We at The Carbon List want to make people aware of the damage that we are doing to our environment and also the good things companies are trying to do to cut emissions. This website will educate people so they can make more informed choices about the lifestyle they lead. The Carbon List is a way companies can communicate with their customers and the world alike all wrapped up in one platform.

"With out education we do not learn and this is one of the fundamental challenges if we are to overcome climate change. One person may change the way we think but many people are needed to change the world."

~ Richard Apps The Carbon List, CEO

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The Carbon List

The Carbon List

The plan is simple by signing up organisations and corporations and industries across the globe, The Carbon List will evaluate information from each contributor and present this data into information that lay people can understand.

The list offers a platform to promote all the complex data you have invested thousands of pounds obtaining over the last few years. Use will be made of all current mediums of communication like social media, which as a tool is hugely powerful. The Carbon List will present graphical information that people can act upon.

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